Organic C Fractions in Topsoil under Different Management Systems in Northeastern Brazil


The conversion from native forest to other land-use systems can decline the soil organic carbon (SOC) in tropical soils. However, conservationist management could mitigate SOC losses, promoting the functioning and stability of agricultural soils. This study aimed to address the influence of conversion from native forest to different land-use systems on SOC fractions in Northeastern Brazil. Topsoil soil samples were collected in areas under pasture (PAS), no-tillage (NT1 and NT2), eucalyptus (EUC), and native forests of Cerrado in Northeastern, Brazil. Total organic C, microbial biomass (MBC), particulate (POC), and mineral-occluded organic C (MOC), as well as fulvic acids (C-FA), humic acids (C-HA), and humin (C-HUM) fractions were accessed. The results showed that land conversion maintained similar levels of humic fractions and total organic carbon (TOC) stocks in the PAS, NT1, NT2, and EUC as compared to native Cerrado. Soils with the input of permanent and diverse fresh organic material, such as NT2, PAS, and EUC, presented high levels of MBC and POC, and the lowest C-FA:TOC and C-HA:TOC ratios. The land conversion to agricultural systems that include cropping rotations associated with pasture species such as Mombasa grass and eucalyptus prevents topsoil losses of active C compartments in the Cerrado of the Brazilian Northeast. It suggests that sustainable and conservationist management should be emphasized to maintain and improve the status of soil organic C.


© 2023 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license ( The Version of Scholarly Record of this Article is published in Soil Systems, 2023, available online at: . Keywords: Cerrado; no-tillage; soil quality; oxisols; soil organic carbon.



Gualberto, A.V.S.; de Souza, H.A.; Sagrilo, E.; Araujo, A.S.F.; Mendes, L.W.; de Medeiros, E.V.; Pereira, A.P.d.A.; da Costa, D.P.; Vogado, R.F.; da Cunha, J.R.; et al. Organic C Fractions in Topsoil under Different Management Systems in Northeastern Brazil. Soil Syst. 2023, 7, 11. soilsystems7010011